Saturday, February 24, 2018


February 23, 2018

The Lord speaks to us in ways we can understand. For me, it's usually in some form of nature. Awakening early this morning, I didn't know it yet, but a special treat awaited just outside the patio door.

As I passed the door on the way to my usual first stop, the coffee pot, my eye caught a flicker of movement just outside the door. For a few moments, the coffee pot was forgotten when I saw the tiny brown wren sitting on the wicker chair next to a planter of ivy. There was a dried leaf in her (or his) beak...not sure who's in charge of building the nest...but I'm thinking it's the dad's job after momma bird chooses the site.

I stood watching as his head jerkily moving side to side, but I knew without a doubt where he was headed with it. The planter was thick with ivy making a nice dry hideaway under the eave. About then, the mate, I'm assuming the momma, flew to the chair and perched herself close by as if making sure all was done correctly.

I wasn't surprised to see them, just surprised at the timing. It's way to early for spring! Another week until March. It has to be instinct...warmer temps, budding blooms...they must be thinking 'it's spring'. And so another season begins. I'm always amazed at how these little creatures know what to do...that it's time to prepare for a new family. God has given them the ability and the knowledge, while paying attention to every detail, as He does with all things. Seeing this same scene, yet different each year, reminds me of the song we sang in Sunday School years ago, "Who taught the birds to build their nest?"

By now, you must wonder where all this is going...this seemingly insignificant experience on my patio. Those who know me know I love my little feathered friends. My courtyard is a haven for them year round. There they have food, water, creeping vines to explore and quiet little spots to nest.

All this to say, God has created an indescribable world for us to live in. In the busyness of life, we hurry to the car, to the market, or wherever we need or are inclined to go, and we miss out on the little things. I think what I would've missed had the urge for coffee been greater than taking a peek outside and see my feathered friends busy at the their work, doing what they were created to do. I know all of you aren't bird lovers. Just sayin', take a little extra time to be kind, to hold a door, let the other guy get the first parking spot, or just say, "Hello" with a smile. You never know what might make someone's day just a little brighter.

Once again, the Lord spoke to me with a little serendipity to start my day with encouragement and hope. The one drawback to all this, Lucy and I have to be extra quiet for a few weeks when near the planter, but it's a small price to pay for the enjoyment it brings

                         "Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow or reap nor
                           gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
                           Are you not of more value than they?"

Till next time...

Monday, February 12, 2018


February 11, 2018

Has it really been that long? My first post in at least three, maybe more, years? Do you ever get that nudging...that niggling in the back of your mind that you need to do something? Like my memoir...been in my mind for years now...knowing it needs to be written - for whatever reason - but it keeps getting replaced on the priority list. Same thing as my blog, same insecurity, same question, 'Who will read it?'  Is that it? Is that why...the old 'fear' monster? Most likely. But, I've been working on that...the fear of fear. It can be so damaging, dragging you down like a ton of bricks...telling you all the negatives...discouraging and bemoaning your efforts.

Today, I ignore the fear... God did not give us a spirit of fear and knowing that, I will not receive it!  So, a new season of 'Blest To Be' begins and to any and all who read it, you have my heartfelt thanks and appreciation.


 It all started a week ago. Much has changed since then, including the topic I was thinking about for my first blog. We make our plans, keep our calendar up to date, but sometimes Life happens in the midst of an ordinary throws you a curve ball out of the blue, and we realize today really IS all we have.

I had no plans for the day. When my phone rang I was in my pajamas, on my second, maybe third, cup of coffee reading my devotionals and waiting for the caffeine to kick in. The caller, who is a dear friend, asked if I could take her to the hospital. This was the last thing I expected to hear. All sorts of things running through my mind, the first being what was wrong? The second, did I have time to get dressed, to take Lucy out? Yes, but no time to waste.

Amazing how my eighty something year old body can still switch gears when it has to! This wasn't in either of our plans for the interruption that happens to millions of people on any given day. A curve ball. You have no option but to get in motion, catch it and start running. The mind as well as the body switches gears...what I had thought was important up until that moment, no longer was.

Hospitals are no fun, patient or visitor. But they are so appreciated in times of need. My friend who had several issues going on had to stay the night but she was treated, released and thankfully is back at home. Home never looks so good until you've been in the hospital.

Another curve ball later in the 'granddaughter-in-law' expecting a baby in a few days was rushed to the hospital with appendicitis. Her plans hadn't included this. Life happening, again. Step by step, in order of priority, she and baby had the care they needed and as of today, both are at home and doing fine.

And so, in spite of stretched-to-the limit conditions, less than perfect situations, the human spirit overcomes and moves ahead with new found strength and faith that God is watching, ever faithful, and all knowing. One of my favorite quotes, not sure whose...maybe 'Our greatest lessons are learned through our most difficult trials.'

Time is the most valuable gift we can give or receive. Perhaps we could consider giving a little more of more accepting, more tolerant, more considerate of others and by doing so, make the world a better place for all.

Till next time....